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Finite Element

Finite Element
Analysis is an analytical engineering tool developed in the 1960's by the Aerospace and nuclear power industries to find usable, approximate solutions to problems with many complex variables.

 It is an extension of derivative and integral calculus, and uses very large matrix arrays and mesh diagrams to calculate stress points, movement of loads and forces, and other basic physical behaviors.
Professional engineers will benefit from the introduction to the many useful applications of finite element analysis, and will gain a better understanding of its limitations and special uses.

A FIRST COURSE IN THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD provides a simple, basic approach to the course material that can be understood by both undergraduate and graduate students without the usual prerequisites The book is written primarily as a basic learning tool for the undergraduate student in civil and mechanical engineering whose main interest is in stress analysis and heat transfer. The text is geared toward those who want to apply the finite element method as a tool to solve practical physical problems.